A highly experienced artist team

Outsource Flash Animation

Flash technology has revolutionized how content is produced and delivered on the Internet and on mobile devices.
Outsource Flash Animation

Flash Animation Services We Offer

Our Flash animators have years of experience working with the newest versions of Flash to
create high quality animations in both 2D and 3D to match your project.
We do it using cutting edge techniques including:
  • Frame-by-Frame Animation

    For animations in which the image changes in every frame, it is important that the animation is perfectly presented, which is why we offer this service for all projects.

  • Motion Tween Animation

    By specifying specific values for an object in each frame of an animation we can create active animations where only certain objects move, streamlining the process for your project.

  • Shape Tween Animation

    Our animators can use Shape Tween techniques to actively change and transform shapes on screen, opening an entirely new array of options for your project.

Why Outsource Flash Animation
Services to Video Caddy?

It's important that you hire the best for your project, so we strive to provide the best in our services.
When you hire Video Caddy, you know that's what you'll get as we offer:

Adherence to ISO Standards

Our team follows international standards for quality, turnaround time and training to ensure the best final product for you.


Highly Trained Staff

Our staff has been carefully selected and is regularly trained to ensure each member is a perfect match for any project they are assigned to work on.


Security for Your Data

Our security systems are designed to protect your data from all loss or unauthorized access.


Competitive Rates to Match Your Budget

We strive to offer savings as much as 60% over what you'd pay in-house or to a comparable domestic firm.


Our Infrastructure

To provide steady results regardless of project size or workload, we maintain an additional workforce and use only the newest hardware in Mac and PC desktops and software.


In-House Animation Talent

We hire exceptionally talented Flash animators with existing experience in this field while ensuring low rates for you.


What Our Client Say

Outsource Flash Animation with Video Content Creation Experts

If you are ready to talk with one of our account specialists about how best to outsource your Flash animation needs, contact Video Caddy today.

Enquire Now & Get a Free Quote!


Our Recent Case Study

3D Character Modeling and Rigging for American Design Studio
Realistic 3D Animations of Complex Processes for Scandinavian Goods Relocation Specialists
French Translation Company Outsourced with Video Caddy and Received an Artistic Interpretation

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