A highly experienced artist team

TV Commercial Animation

TV commercial animation is an immensely powerful form of advertising that requires substantial investment of both time and money.
TV Commercial Animation

TV Commercial Animation Services @ Video Caddy

Our animators have worked extensively with a range of different technologies and are trained
on an ongoing basis to ensure they can match whatever format and style of video you've created. This can include:
  • Comprehensive Animation Process

    There are a number of different ways to present high-quality "animated TV commercials", but the final product will ultimately depend on the company or product being promoted and the data you've gathered about your target market and prospective competitors. Our team can take that data and integrate it into highly effective, professional grade animations

  • 2D & 3D Animation Services

    Currently we offer both 2D animation services for simple commercials or low key ads that may be used online as well as on television. We also offer 3D animation services , including character creation, mascot animation and more to ensure that your final product looks exactly as you have envisioned and as your audience expects.

Advantages of TV Commercial
Animation Services

There are many reasons to consider outsourcing your TV commercial animation needs to a professional
offshore firm instead of handling it in house. Video Caddy's experts are selected for their specific experience
in this field and can therefore match your needs exactly from start to finish on a project.

Adherence to ISO Standards

Every member of our team adheres to strict ISO quality standards for quality, turnaround time, training and data security. You can rest assured that every project is handled just right.


Security for Your Data

Our security systems are designed to protect your data from loss or unauthorized access every step of the process.


Exceptionally Talented Animators

Our staff is hired with between 2-5 years of experience in their respective fields and they are regularly trained to ensure optimal performance at the low rates you need.


Competitive Rates to Match Your Budget

We offer highly competitive rates as much as 60% lower than the domestic or in-house cost.


24/6 Support & Fast Turnaround Time

We offer 24/6 support and rapid turnaround time on all projects to ensure that you get what you need well within your expected timeline.



Our team is backed up by an additional workforce for sudden spikes in demand, and we also maintain 50Mbps of dedicated internet bandwidth in-house for fast operations.


What Our Client Say

High-Quality TV commercial animation Services for Your Business

Whatever your TV commercial animation needs, contact the experts of Video Caddy today for professional service you can rely on.

Enquire Now & Get a Free Quote!


Our Recent Case Study

Norwegian Company Outsources Explainer Video Animation to Video Caddy to Project Global
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VCD Produces 60 Minute Rotoscoping Video for Hollywood Animation Artist

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