Exclusive Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro

Video Caddy’s vast editing experience with Adobe Premiere Pro ensures your business-large, or small, receives the highest quality video editing services. We cater to video production houses and videographers, offering professional Premiere Pro editing to complement your business and deliver high-quality edits with a quick turnaround.

Adobe Premiere Pro products and features

Adobe Premiere Pro was rebuilt to meet the needs of today’s video editors to produce professional products and features. Some key features of the Premiere Pro editing software include:

Audio Clip Mixer adjusts sound clips for more precision and robust audio production, giving the client the highest quality videos.


Using the cloud means products can be uploaded for instant access to clients located anywhere for real-time feedback and progress reports.


Timeline allows more efficient editing using intuitive track targeting and shortcuts, providing faster turnaround time on a finished product.


Multi-cam edits are performed with a streamlined workflow, offering several views of a scene to tell the product story using multiple shots.


Cross-platform compatibility with Apple software speeds up the editing process without spending time converting clips enabling fast turnaround.


Adobe Photoshop files can be opened directly from the video editing software to be edited in Photoshop, allowing clients ease of accessibility.

Video Caddy's Adobe Premiere Pro
Software Expertise

Video Caddy thoroughly trains its video editors on each upgrade to, Edius Pro, Apple Final Cut Pro, and Adobe Premiere Pro.
Our editors specialize in creative and innovative solutions and work with major video editing software.
We work with you to determine which program will best suit your needs.

Contact Video Caddy today
for your creative editing


What Our Client Say

Exclusive Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro

Leverage the diverse video editing experience of the Video Caddy team with the software perks of Adobe Premiere Pro. Contact us today to access our exclusive video editing services with Adobe Premiere Pro!

Enquire Now & Get a Free Quote!


Our Recent Case Study

Video Caddy Reduces the Workload of a Top-rated Wedding Video Firm in the US with Exceptional Editing of Multicultural Wedding Videos
High-profile US-based Client Approached Video Caddy with the Raw Wedding Clips and Received a Spell-bound Wedding Video
As Part of Their Branding Campaign, American Firm Partnered with VCD for High-quality Industry Event Videos

Contact Video Caddy today for all your video editing service needs and get a free quote!