27 Jan2023

Video Marketing Stats: What We Learnt from the Year 2022

According to the latest video marketing statistics, 2022 was a huge year for this powerful form of media. We saw a massive jump in the number of businesses adopting videos into their marketing strategy – 86% to be exact. According to Cisco, video traffic will be a significant driving force in 2023 and beyond. In fact, they estimate that 82% of all internet traffic will be driven by videos.

These video marketing stats show that videos are essential to all business marketing strategies. We will look at some of the top 2022 video marketing statistics and how they can be leveraged to give your business a competitive advantage.

Major Takeaways from The Past Year

These are key statistics that are clear indicators that are sure to shape the future of video marketing:

54% of Consumers Want More Video Content

According to the University of Hampshire, more than half of your consumers want you to post more videos. All brands should turn to video marketing to strengthen their connection with their target market.

86% of Marketing Professionals Use Marketing Videos as a Tool

Based on the findings by Wyzowl, more marketing professionals turning to videos as a tool makes sense because of the overwhelming demand for video content.

There’s just one problem, though. According to Biteable, 58% of brands struggle to achieve this due to the high cost of creating video content. Partnering with a professional video editing provider can heavily mitigate this cost and make video marketing more accessible.

Product Videos Boost E-commerce Sales by 73%

According to a study by Hubspot, Product videos are the best place to start your e-Commerce business. Just look at Bulb as an example. They are a rapidly growing UK energy supplier whose demo videos show consumers how to get more value from its products. 

Leveraging product videos can help guide your target market on how to get the most from your products and services.

87% of Websites Experience Higher Traffic Due to Video Content

Based on the trends mapped by Wyzowl, getting videos onto your website is the fastest way to grow traffic. However, it also improves the quality of your traffic by giving consumers what they want. Interactive videos, explainers videos, and product videos will put your website on the map.

69% of B2B Brands Spent More on Video Marketing in 2022 Than in 2021

Observations by the Content Marketing Institute surmise most B2B brands set aside a large part of their marketing budget for video marketing. Top brands understand that video marketing is essential in today’s market, so they are willing to invest heavily. 

Small businesses should leverage video editing experts to help alleviate some of the obstacles and reap maximum rewards.

68% of Marketing Experts Agree that Video Marketing Has a Higher ROI Than Google Ads

A study by Biteable maps the difference in ROI between video marketing and Google Ads, concluding that the returns from the former are 68% higher than from the latter. Small businesses struggle to justify the upfront cost of video marketing.

This video marketing stat proves that’s a mistake! Even though videos are a higher expense than text-based marketing strategies, they have a much higher ROI.

Videos Improve a Site’s SEO Ranking by Increasing the Average Dwell Time by 260%

According to Backlinko, adding embedded videos to your blog will increase the time spent by people on the page. Google tends to give a lot of weight to blogs incorporating video content. Give your consumers more options to take in your essential content and boost your platform by adding videos to blogs and articles!

74% of Marketing Campaigns Experienced an ROI of 50% to 500% When Using Video Testimonials

Top brands have discovered a direct connection between marketing ROI and video testimonials,  documents a Vocal Video report. Having a dedicated space where your customers tell stories about your products and services gives consumers solid proof that they will benefit from making a purchase.

31% of B2B Marketers Say that Short-Form Videos Were the 3rd Hottest Trend in 2022

According to the State of Inbound Marketing 2022 report, Hubspot highlights a product’s or service’s key features are a great way to connect with your audience on powerful social media platforms. These videos are created using advanced video editing techniques like video clipping.

70% of US Consumers Have Made a Purchase Based on a YouTube Video Ad

According to Think with Google’s YouTube Ad study, YouTube remains one of the most popular marketing mediums on the planet. Businesses incorporating YouTube into their social media video marketing strategy will strengthen their brand engagement and generate more sales.


All of these video marketing stats prove that videos are an essential part of your marketing strategy. However, video production and post-production are quite an extensive undertaking. Outsourcing these services will cut costs and ensure that your videos are high quality.

Video Caddy (VCD) is the leading partner for outsourcing all of your video post-production and editing services. Let our editing experts customize your animated marketing videos, testimonials, and other video formats for targeted campaigns helping you enhance marketing efforts. Contact us today!

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